Sunday, July 5, 2009

Things Are Going Swimmingly

There's a Jonah and the whale pun in here somewhere!

This morning, before the men of the households used their Twicket at Wrigley (no, that's not a Twitter reference. It's a Six Flags thing where you get to come back the next day for $1. And, no, they did not get $1 Cubs tix. OK, I guess it was a bum reference.) we took a dip in the hotel pool. I had fun with Auntie Em and guckie (that's Ellie for ducky) while Daddy kept Jonah entertained.

Yes, that's a pink lego. No, I don't know why I insist on always holding it.

Then it was time for mother-daughter swim. This was one of those indoor-outdoor pools. Can you guess which of us had been hanging out outside? Sheesh, we don't even look like we're the same race!

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