Sunday, April 4, 2010

Say, there... how about a Seder?

Today we went over to cousin Ryan and Sara's house for a kids Passover seder. It's just like our family's adult seder but without all the puns. Well, and it's in the middle of the day and we don't eat Kosher food and we mostly just play. But other than that, it's just like our other seder!

The pace of play was frantic. Daddy's Droid couldn't keep up!

Sara and Ryan finally figured out that, when in the presence of a princess, proper protocol is to never turn your back and just scoot away when leaving the room.

Great-Grandpa Irv and Great-Aunt Sue taught me a matching game. I guess they don't trust mommy and daddy to pick out my outfits!

Ryan moves so quickly, I thought I saw 2 of him. Hey, that's a matching pair!

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