Sunday, August 30, 2009

Weddy, Set, Go!

Daddy's little puppet

After a short nap, it was time to go to the wedding. I was pretty-in-pink-sash with a flower girl dress.

3 legs and 3 arms? Neat trick daddy!

Daddy tried his best to keep me calm during pictures before the ceremony.

What? No pesachs?

Then it was Cousin Rob's turn to entertain me. His beanie did the trick.

This is definitely our best side

We took a few family portraits, leaving room for Aunt Karen to be air-brushed in later. Yes, Farber descendants are no strangers to air-brushing in (and out!) family members in photos.

Ever prim and proper

They're creepy and they're cooky.


The stained glass created an ominous effect... kinda like we were at the gates of hell. Reminiscent of the "Hell Hath No Fury Like a Baby Scored" pics.


Fortunately, Uncle Josh prayed hard enough to keep the evil spirits away.

Nummy Nummy?

The pictures seemed to go on forever so Sara kept me busy with some food stuffs.


Then I let her chase me around.

And here I thought Leapfrog was just a brand of kids toys

Next was Uncle Noah's turn to chase. And the devil lighting returned. Coincidence?

Preliminary Hora

I ducked for cover when the Goldman boys started doing, well... what the Goldman boys do anytime there's a camera around.

Iowant to tell you something

It was really nice to see Great-Aunt Laura and Great-Uncle Ron again. Now this is what I call a proper pose. I hope Daddy and my uncles are taking notes.

Na-na-na hey, hey hey... shalom.

Finally it was time for the Tish. The men sang in what I like to call "Ellie-style".... no actual words, just a lot of nay-nay's, ya-ya's and day-day's.

A little pish during the tish

Meanwhile, the scene was a little more subdued on the girls side as we waited for the men to make their way over for the Bedeken -- watch this video to see it in action.

You mean these aren't real diamonds?!?

Check out my fancy CZ-encrusted shoes. Hope these puppies don't fail me when it's time to walk down the aisle.

And away we go...

Sure enough, I was able to pull it together (or, rather Aunt-Karen's nieces were able to pull me together) for my big entrance.


We weren't really walking that slowly... Daddy was just taking pictures that quickly!


Hey, how come I'm the only one in a sleeveless dress? Oh, this is an orthodox Jewish wedding! Why didn't I get the memo?


I almost bit it on the home stretch.


But then I saw Uncle Josh waiting under the Chuppah and straightened up and threw a wave.

Meanwhile, Aunt Karen's parents seem like thy couldn't be more thrilled to be giving her away to Uncle Josh

Aunt Karen made quite the beautiful bride. She sure doesn't look happy to be marrying Uncle Josh though. What gives?! Oh, this just in... apparently it's another orthodox tradition. The wedding day is supposed to be a sad time of reflection for the bride and groom.


Under the Chuppah, Aunt Karen circled Uncle Josh the requisite number of times (I lost track).

I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Outta Here!

All these customs proved to be too confusing for me and I started crying so Mommy had to take me inside to calm down.

Uncle Josh is always backed up

After the ceremony, in lieu of kissing, Uncle Josh and Aunt Karen just went back-to-back. Don't think this is an official orthodox tradition. It's more of a metaphor for their life together. No, not that they're turning their backs on each other... that they'll always have each other's backs!

Can't read my, can't ready my, no you can't read my pouty face... m-m-m-my pouty face.

All this Chuppah business made me sad... not because I was mimicking Aunt Karen and Uncle Josh but because I was no longer the center of attention.

Yeah, you start me up, start me up baby, and I never stop

So I decided to start things up on the dance floor.

So 2 orthodox Jews walk into a wedding...

Then I began my comedy routine.

Oh, I get it... French class!

I took a break for a little girl talk with my new friends and fellow flower girls.

Hi, nice to mechitzah

Then I chased them around the dance floor.

I prefer ranch dip

Mommy taught me how to be dipped so I wouldn't be scared when it was time for mixed dancing.

Never thought I'd see Uncle Josh so high

But the mixed dancing never happened. Now I understand why... too dangerous on the men's side!

I've heard of the Golden Dragon but the Goldman Dragon???

And scary! Daddy turned into a dragon as part of the shtick.

I'm surprise Bubbie let me out of her sights... and arms for so long.

Thankfully Bubbie rescued me and brought me over to the side of the dance floor where we had a contest to see who could stay awake the longest... she won.

What a fun day. Can't wait for another orthodox wedding. Ahem, ya heard that, Uncle Noah?!?

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