Saturday, June 27, 2009

OK, Here's the Situation, My Parents Went Away On a Week's Vacation

Stroll her

This week Mommy and Daddy went to Orlando so I got to stay at Bubbie and Zayde's. (No, they didn't leave the keys to the brand new Porsche.) I know, how cruel, going to the most kid-friendly destination in the country without me. For what it's worth, they were supposed to go to Puerto Vallarta (where I had no desire to go -- swine flu, kidnappings, oh my!) but Daddy forgot to get his passport renewed and didn't realize it 'til the night before. The only place they could exchange their time share for was Orlando. It's all good though. I barely even knew they were gone. Bubbie and Zayde kept me on a busy schedule with such outings as the botanical gardens.

Leafus Maximus

When I grow up I may just be a garbagewoman. I love picking stuff up off the ground and showing it off. My uncles are all a bunch of dumpster divers so I guess being, I mean collecting, white trash is in my blood.

Who wants a chest bump?

We stopped for a pose in front of the weeping willow trees. I tried to cheer them up but it looked like they just wanted me to leaf them alone.


We also went to the library. When I first got there I thought, "So-fari so good."

What a croc!

I usually don't smile like this for pics but Bubbie's a good insti-gator.

Reading is fun-damental

I was totally all over the place at the library. Bubbie and Zayde had to book it to keep up with me.

The old one head two bodies trick

The last stop was the bamboo house. Chute, why can't I reach the top!

I've been getting along swimmingly without Mommy and Daddy this week

Bubbie and Zayde bought an inflatable pool for me to play in. They even color coordinated it with their picnic table.

So this must be what it's like for boys

I made my own waterfall. And chiquita banana hat.

Rain and Again only rhyme in Britain

It was fun spending time with Uncle Noah too. I taught him the hand motions to Itsy-bitsy spider before spouting off on a baby-babble tangent.

Shoes calling please?

I even taught him how to talk on a shoe. Heel never really appreciate that trick though.

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