As always, the paparazzi was out in full force. Uncle Noah forgot how bunny ears work. You're supposed to put them on the person you're taking the picture of, silly!
Now this would have been the perfect opportunity for bunny ears!
Anytime I'm at Bubbie and Zayde's a game of Hot Potato ensues -- or shall I say Hot Patellie? Uncle David got his turn and gave me an up close and personal view of Supercuts' handiwork. Hey Uncle D, when you ask for a buzz cut, maybe you should ask for a barber that's not buzzed!
Zayde was a bit unclear on the concept of interrupting a feeding for burps. I'm the one that's supposed to do the burping! At least he held me far enough away so I didn't have to smell it too much.
Great-Grandpa Irv patiently waited his turn for some Ellie time. And when it came, he took full advantage, pulling me close and sharing all his blackjack tips. I learned all about doubling down on 11 and splitting 8's. What am I supposed to do with 12 against a dealer's 2, though? I guess I'll have to wait until my next lesson. Or shall I say, I'll have to stick it out until me next lesson? Sorry, had to hit you with that one. I'll do anything for a good pun -- it's my ace in the hole. And please, withhold your comments about me not playing with a full deck -- I'm just 8 weeks old, sheesh!
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