Monday, May 31, 2010

Elmo Goes Global

Uncle Noah and Aunt Sara went to Israel and brought me back a Hebrew Elmo shirt. Ayze Yofee!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Park It!

Got My Guard Up

Brunched with Jenny and Celia and Karen and Sam at Cafe Laguardia. (And Dave and Rusty too.) Felt like the 3rd judge on Idol.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Brown Beer, Brown Beer

Tonight I ate dinner at Janes with Miles. That's not the camera playing tricks on you, Daddy's beer really was that big!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Don't Do Anything Rash

Today was my scheduled 2 year doctor check up. Good thing too because I needed to have this rash looked at. Can you spot what mommy and daddy were worried about?

Here are my stats:

Weight 29 lbs.
Height 35 in.
Head circ. 19 in.

All 50-75% percentile

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Miller Time!

One of the reasons I love spending time at Bubbie and Zayde's is that my friends the Millers live right across the street. Today, I helped them mow the lawn.

The lawnmower wasn't working too well though, so we had to cover up the grass with a blanket.

Then I decided I'd just try cutting it with my hands!

Animal Instinct

Saw all sorts of crazy animals at the zoo today. Gorillas...


And Tylers! (That's a rare breed of Indianapolis thoroughbred.)