Tuesday, March 31, 2009

My Shorty

Hey Miles, how's the weather down there?

Hung out with my friend Miles again today. He's getting bigger but so am I. I like my men like I like my blog posts -- short and sweet.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Stealing Thunder

Eww, Uncle D, you could use a REAL shower

Today was Uncle D and Almost Aunt-T's wedding shower but guess who the center of attention was?

Room with a view

Soon-to-be-Aunt Karen hoisted me up to get a better view, I mean to give everyone else a better view of me!

Is that a puff in your beard?

With Big Man and Uncle Josh in the same room, there was definitely plenty of entertainment!

Where are my presents?

Uncle Noah waited patiently for his turn to hold me and, sure enough, I assumed the position. I'm like the Verizon Wireless guy... can you see me now? Good.

It's the (Goldman) network

Boogie Woogie Woogie

Sara and I got the party started on the dance floor while Uncle Noah showed me the finer points of the Electric Slide.

Too hot to handle

After dinner we played Hot Pot-ellie.

Can't tell who wants to be fed more

Finally it was my turn to eat!

Can't wait til I'm old enough to shower!

Well fed and well attended to, I was a happy girl.

At least Bubbie and I knew where to look!

Thanks everyone for coming to my, er... Uncle D and Almost-Aunt T's shower!


Why don't they make a Snuggie built for 2? They could call it the Snuggler!

Today Daddy got his practice in for the upcoming Snuggie Pub Crawl. (Something tells me he's going to be a Snuglebrity!) I'm still waiting for Bubbie to knit me a baby Snuggie as one size does certainly not fit all.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

1 Year Old!

Oh What Fun to Be Turning One

Even though we celebrated last week, my actual birthday was today. And you know what that means! Brown chair time -- weee! Here's a quick stroll down upholstery lane...

Month by Month and Row by Row

(Click the image for a larger view)

Friday, March 27, 2009

Gimme 3 Steps

Today I took my first (recorded) steps! I'm not yet walking on my own -- in this video, I used the Alphabet Train Bubbie and Zayde got me for support -- but I'm on my way. Time to babyproof the house Mommy and Daddy -- there's a new El train in town!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me!

It was a banner year for me

Today was my first birthday party -- even though my actual b-day isn't until next weekend. Mommy and Daddy decked out the crib (that's their house in ebonics -- the actual party was not in my crib!) and even set up a slideshow of pics for those who haven't been keeping up on my blog.

Big Toe wasn't the only digit to cover this cake

The party theme was Big Toe in honor of my favorite body part -- and doll!

Ahem, eyes over here people

As you'd expect, I was the center of attention with Roni, Asher, and Matthew all watching me play. Sure enough, I didn't leave my Big Toe out of my sight the entire time. And it's a good thing none of them tried to play with it.

Back back back it up

Asher and I went back-to-back for a while Kate scavenged for toys.

It's my party and I'll cry if I want to

I was passed around like a hot potato for most of the party. Auntie Em waited patiently for her turn but there's no prying me away from Bubbie. After about an hour of getting passed-over (oh wait, that holiday's not for another few weeks!) I started to get cranky. What kind of party is this? Where's the cake?

Having My Cake and Eating it Too

Methinks 50 Cent's gonna have to change the lyrics to "like Ellie loves cake."

'Nuff said

Ready for Round 2

Give it a twirl

After a quick costume change (inclusive of full bath), it was time to open my presents. Cosuin Sara helped me out.

If anyone needs to blow your nose, I've got you covered!

Whee, more tissue paper!

And here Grandpa thought the days of my projectiling where over!

I used one of the ribbons to pull the ole fake sneeze trick on Grandpa.

Hey Ellie, there's a sticker on your back... psych! Oh.

On the heels of my devilish (good) looks and excorcism, I've now been branded Psycho Baby.

Triple the pleasure

Much to my surprise (not really) and delight (no, really!) Mommy and Daddy got me 2 new big toe dolls for my b-day. Now I've got one for every occasion.

Sweet Mandy B's in da house!

Yes, we had a separate cake for everyone else so they didn't have to eat my leftovers...

And I would've finished it if Mommy hadn't yanked it away!

Is that pleather?

Before we called it a day, er... par-tay (my sugar rush was dying down!), we assembled some of the cast of characters for some parting shots. First up was Great Grandpa Irv.

Lend me your ear

Next up was Bubbie, Grandma, and Cousin Ryan -- who showed us his Macarena.

The acronyms aren't kind to G.A.S and G.U.G.

Great-Aunt Sue got in on the action while Great-Uncle Gary lurked.

Smiles all around

Then we did one with just the Neiman girls.

Sans spit

Finally, I posed with Grandpa before calling it a wrap. Needless to say, I was party-pooped!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Now Presenting

Over the shoulder not far away

How embarassing! I'm wearing the same outfit 2 blog posts in a row but a full week apart! I just wanted to show off my new duds for Grandma and Grandpa. They came to town today with Auntie Em and showered me with early birthday gifts.

Ready? OK. Give me an E...

As you know, my favorite part of presents is opening them. I had a blast with this tissue paper and starting rehearsing a routine for when I'm a cheerleader.

What? No matching scarf? Sheesh, Auntie Em, you've been slacking!

Check out this cool outfit Auntie Em knitted for me. Aren't I just the picture of fashion? I've even got that "too cool for school" model look down.

I can see the light!

One of my presents was a book that makes noises. Grandma read it to me while I basked in the glow of all the attention... and the sunlight!

The Devil's in the Details (and my eyes!)

Don't look at me I'm hideous!


Wax On Wax Off

No need to start a flap

I'm so excited to have G&G and Auntie E in town, I could just take off!

Park It

I'm a glutton for pushing-ment

It was pretty nice outside so we all went to the park while Daddy took a run. Grandma pushed gently on the swing. She didn't realize I'm not too keen on the underdog.

Swing low sweet chariot

Mommy decided to join me on the swings...

No, don't jump Mommy!

...and then showed me the wrong way to get down.

Steering Committee

We found some more fun things to try together at the park but this one teetered more than tottered.


This one reminds me of a joke. What do you get when you cross a rhinoceros and an elephant? Roll over the picture above for the answer.

Hangin' out

Umm, guys, you forgot something!

Peanut Butter and Jam... Session

Do you know Mack the Knife?

Grandpa put on a concert for us before bed. His set ran the gamut from the Beatles to Itsy Bitsy Spider.

Strummin' on the ole banjo

I've gotten so good at Guitar Hero, I just had to try the real thing out.

We got the beat, we got the beat, yeaaah!

Then I pulled a Robert Randolph and traded instruments, opting for the bongos -- and finding them much easier to play when someone is accompanying me on guitar.

Those pants really make this guy look weird.

Methinks when I grow up, I'll start a one-man band!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Party Hoppin'


My social calendar was packed this weekend! After Jenny and Steve's, we went to Musical Magic for my boyfriend David from playgroup's b-day party (photos have been censored) and then today we hit up Aidan's (another one of my playgroup boy toys) b-day bash. Here's the big guy himself showing off his new walking skills. One of these days, I'll stand up for myself and not let these boys walk all over me!

It's Electric (Boogie Woogie Woogie)

No one can ever accuse me of being static

I'm not even a year old and already running out of puns! I was gonna name this post Hair-Raising Experience but then I realized I've already used that one -- unbelievable!

Electric Slide

The upside to all the party hoppin' I did this weekend is I got a ton of balloons. And this is what Daddy decided to do with them...
