Monday, July 28, 2008

4 Months Old!

Ellie's four to the core

Here I am in the birthday chair again. This time I thought I'd spice things up with a little solo kick-line. Forget Wipeout, American Gladiators, and America's Next Top Model... I'm gonna be a Rockette!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Rockin' and a Rollin' All Day Long

Does this hat make my brain look big?

Hung out with mommy and daddy's friends Robyne and Nick at Wicker Park Fest today watching Lynne's band Little Miss Ann.

More beer!

I got upset when I found out they didn't serve Ellie's Brown Ale at Pontiac Cafe!

What part of MORE BEER don't you people understand!

Denny (of Denny and Jave fame) didn't have much more luck in the cheer-up Ellie department.

When Blogs Collide

Check out the onesie daddy made me in honor of his Good URL Bad URL blog. Props to Laurooke Nicholman for coming up with this idea...

Good gURL

Bad gURL

No suprise that when daddy's whispering in my ears I'm a Bad gURL and when mommy's holding me I'm a Good gURL.

Bed Bugs

Move over Mommy, ya bed hog!

Mommy and I did a little cuddling this morning. Thought I was gonna have to gnaw my arm off to get out of this one!


I've been laughing for a couple days now but finally have the proof!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Livin' La Vida Liz

Hey Liz, get your own baby... oh, wait you are!

Met mommy and daddy's friend Liz today. She's a mommy-to-be so she was getting her practice in with me.

Little Bunny Ears Foo Foo

Hey Uncle Noah, take notes... this is how you do a proper bunny ears -- not like that shtick you pulled!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

What a Difference 3 Months Makes

Hey, who ya callin' fat?!?

Mommy, wow, I'm a big kid now!

Look Who's Typing

OK, I've got control-alt-delete down...

Here's a change of pace. Instead of me dictating to my folks and them typing, I let mommy tell me what to write while I did a little hunting and pecking. Unfortunately all she could come up with was the lame title to this post (which apparently is a play on "Look Who's Talking"). Hey Mom, leave the punditry to me and Daddy.

Saturday, July 19, 2008


Where is daddy? Where is daddy? Here I am.

Went to a party with all my friends from playgroup today. Daddy entertained everyone (but me) with a game of peekabo.

Can You Hear, er... See Me Now?

Where is Ellie? Where is Ellie? Here I am.

Here's another Where's Waldo for ya. This time though, I'm not telling you which one is me. Leave your guess in the comments section and I'll let you know next week who got it right.

Update: Auntie Em has bad eyesight and asked for a larger version of the pic so now if you click on it, you'll see a full-sized picture.

Update 2: Just realized that the post I had immediately before this one of me and Daddy playing Peekabo was a giveaway becase you could see what outfit I was wearing at this party. So I removed that post and now you can't cheat!

Update 3: OK, time for the big unveiling. Godro and Rachel... you're right! That's me in the top row second from the right. Good guess! You win the right to change my diaper next time I see you! :)

Update 4: Published the peekabo post again now that this game's over.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Who's That Lady? Oh, It's Sadie.

That's Saide, not Zayde!

Met my new gal pal Sadie from Scottsdale today. Just 3 weeks old and already a savvy traveler. She's such a cutie. I can't even remember being that small.

Hey Josh, don't drop her!

Sadie's definitely got a lot of Joshie in her. Let's just hope she avoids the infamous Azulay patch.

Patty Cake Patty Cake

Baker's gal

Check out this little number Josh and Katie got me. Don't I look good enough to eat?


Of course, the outfit wouldn't be complete without the matching miniskirt.

Monday, July 7, 2008

A Cut Above

Ellie and Asher, pre-snip

Met my new BF Asher Radutny today at his bris. All I can say is thank god I'm not a boy.

Mo Mohels Mo Problems

The calm before the storm

Just the thought of poor Asher getting clipped made me want to gag. His mom and sister were able to keep their composure -- until the Rabbi pulled out his scalpel. Then things got ugly.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Fancing Diving Too...

Went swimming for the 2nd time in 2 weeks today. This time Daddy took me for a spin. His taught me the sidestroke and backstroke. You know what they say... different strokes for different folks.

Sunny Side Up

Ellie and Mommy catching, er.... avoiding a ray.

After all those laps in the pool, it was time for a rest. Mommy and I just chilled in our cabana...

This umbrella ain't big enough for the both of us!

This is what passes for a cabana at a Chicago public pool.

I Wanna Soak Up the Sun

I'm melting, I'm melting.

Daddy could really use a tan. And I could really use a hat to cover up my burning scalp.

Flippin' the lid

Ahh, that's better. Love the lid that came with this outfit. Now if only Daddy would lend me his Blublockers again.

What Can Brown Do For You?

Ma'am, can I see some ID please?

As you all know, Born Free are not the only bottles I like to tilt back. Here I am enjoying a glass of Ellie's Brown Ale. 30 minutes later Daddy was enjoying a little Ellie's Brown Poo. What can I say? The stuff just runs right through me. I'm one and done. You're lucky, Leo, I'll be a cheap date.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Baaaaad Pun


Spent the 4th of July at the zoo. Here I am with daddy and cuz's Andrea and Jonah in front of the goat pen. Hey Daddy, got a little Captain in ya?

Captain Morgan

Close But No Cigar

Hey, I was here first!

Turns out there's a store called Eliana Lily on Armitage just a mile from our house. What are the odds? Not sure if I ever explained how I got my name but it's a combination of Eliana and Chiara. What a difference a letter makes.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Best Caption Ever

These napkins are so cute you almost don't want to wipe your hands with them

As my faithful blog readers know, I have a thing for boobs. So it was only fitting that Daddy bought these napkins for the family get together today.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Swimming, Swimming, in the Swimming Pool

Check me out swimming laps with Grandpa. This was my first time in a pool and I really seemed to like it. OK, forget American Gladiators... I'm gonna start training for that Wipeout show!

I Heart My Mommy

I learned this pose from Michael Jordan

There's a hole in my heart... er, my heart is a hole in my swimsuit

Is this swimsuit not the cutest thing you've ever seen? Thanks to Tony and Julie B. for hooking me up with it. They've got a bun in the oven right now -- hopefully we can have some playdates at the pool together next summer!

Now I See Where I Got My Devilish Good Looks!

GGP Dave holding Ellie with Norma and Arnold

After studying his picture for months, I finally got to meet my Great-Grandpa Dave today. It was, well... Great!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Jonah and the Whale

Hey, who you callin' a whale?

As you know, I'm big on my Bible references (remember Noah's arc?) -- Daddy's got my doing daf yomi (sorry, only my Uncles will know what that means). Here am I with my cousins Jonah and Andrea. Earlier today I went to the doctor and tipped the scales at 12 lbs. 3 oz. Might be time to rethink my aspirations of becoming America's Next Top Model. Maybe American Gladiators is more up my alley?

Kissing Cousins

Ewww... that one was wet!

J-Cuz planted one on me while I was posing for the camera. Hey buddy, they might allow that sort of stuff down in the South where you're from but you gotta be careful up here in Chi-town. Once Leo J sees this pic, he's gonna be coming after you!

Here's Looking At You... Nostrils.

Hey Ellie, down here!

Daddy's always experimenting with new ways to take pics so he can get good blog fodder even if noone else is around. Last time he used a mirror. This time, it's the old reach-around. What's next? A camera that hangs around your neck and takes pictures when it senses movement? Hey, don't give daddy any ideas!