Monday, September 7, 2009

In A Category All His Own

Mine's bigger than yours!

Today was yet another official date with my man Leo J Spiegel. That makes 11! Rather than do this crazy linking thing every time we get together, I think Leo's deserves his own category on this blog. So I just set up Leo J to track all our posts (13 so far!). That makes it a 3-way tie with Doctor and Holidays.

Run like an antelope

We had fun playing at my house playing ring around the Gracie.

Roller derby, here we come!

Then we went to the park and got cozy on the slide.


Finally, Leo sacked up and moved in for the smooch. Poor guy whiffed. (DK needs to teach me that turn your head at the last minute to make a cheek kiss and mouth kiss trick!)

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